To Get My Ex Girlfriend Back : Multi Billionaire Roman Abramovich From Russia Is Involved In A Scandalous Divorce : Roman Abramovich, a native of Russia, has caused a significant scandal by filing for divorce from his wifehe reason for the scandal is that he is in love with a twenty something socialite almost half his age, named Daria Zhukovaumors about the two have been flying around since early in 2006, and the rumors were so numerous that Daria left the country and went back to Russia for a while, putting her studies at the London College of Naturopathic Medicine on holdhis was in part considering that Irina Abramovich, wife of Roman for the last fifteen years, reportedly started discussing the matter with famous divorce advokat Raymond Tootht the time publicists for both Mrnd Mrsbramovich declared that the couple were not having any problems and were not divorcingwo years later, Roman Abramovich has filed for divorce and released a public statement detailing his divorce plans from his wife Irinamid all this, he is still being photographed out and about with Daria, and hel ... [Read More @ To Get My Ex Girlfriend Back]
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